Photographic services for professionals and freelancers
Many other freelancers collaborate with me to create their sites and photo content. From doctor, to dentist and also personal trainer or private clinics worked with me to create their own brand identity.

Dott Michele Conti
Dr. Michele Conti is an internationally trained neurosurgeon specializing in spine surgery. We worked together to create not only his website, but also all the long-term photo content for his social and official communications.
Get well Spine Center
The only center entirely dedicated to the well-being of the spine and the person We are a spine center, a center completely dedicated to spine care. Within our center collaborates a team of professionals who work with a multidisciplinary method to serve the patient.
Dental Practice - Dr. Ivan Canali
The enthusiasm was such that in 1998 Dr. Ivan Canali opened his practice in Rovereto, and there the new adventure began. Today the specialist deals exclusively with surgery and dental prosthetics. A team of 10 people work in the practice to offer the best in the various disciplines of dentistry.
Dott.ssa Ilenia Bortolotti
A physiotherapist and osteopath, passionate and loving her work, she practices her profession with the goal of constantly increasing knowledge and skills to offer the best healing tools to her patients.